Prepping Your Office A/V For The New Normal
If you squint, you just might see some light at the end of this tunnel we’re in. I know…we’ve heard all the clichés, and frankly we’re all tired of them. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and soon you’ll be back in the saddle, returning to the office, leading meetings and crushing it. We want you to crush it even more with great AV. We want you to look great on camera, sound great to the listeners on the Zoom call, and come off as the pro you are.
Your Amazon bargain cam was fantastic when you were doing laptop meetings in your pajama pants. But when the conference room opens back up, you’ll need a pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) to accommodate the safely-distanced spacing of folks in the room. The lenses on these cameras are typically larger, which all but eliminates the fisheye effect budget cams have. They also take over the heavy lifting on image processing normally done by the computer. Now, you can wear regular pants, and look amazing!

Audio is an afterthought for many. It’s consistently the biggest hurdle in distance meetings. If you have the luxury of working in an anechoic chamber, congrats. The rest of us have offices next to busy streets. We have coworkers who make sure everyone in the building hears about Mr. Whiskers’ trips to the vet. And the cheapo webcams pick it all up…maybe even boost it. We use targeted, directional, beam-forming microphones that reject outside sound sources. We have AEC (acoustic echo cancellation) products that also eliminate mechanical noise such as HVAC units, consistent traffic noise and that weird humming sound coming from Hank’s cube. With us, it all gets fixed. just like Mr. Whiskers.
Lastly, the fun part for us. Making it easy to use. The most commonly-spoken phrase of 2020 may have been “I think you’re muted”. Our systems can make sure that phrase stays in 2020 where it belongs. We can automate the process to start the system with one press of a button. Our programmers can give you a barebones interface to keep it simple. Or, if you prefer, a full touchscreen GUI for more advanced users. We can’t control Hank’s recap of his favorite Gilmour Girls episode during the meeting, but we can turn his microphone down when he get a bit too animated.
Before we start returning to the office it might be the right time to consider some upgrades to get you up to date with the current technology. The conference room might be empty now, but not for long. Let’s look and sound awesome. Let’s be finely-tuned presenting machines when we get back to the office.